Matt Feazell Work Samples

Home | Mopar News | Ford Update | Guide To Detroit | Tweddle | Dykema Gossett | HoMedics/Ellia | Little Caesars | PAHA Newsletter | Padzieski Gallery | Disney Adventures | Arden | HoMedics

Arden Companies

A 3-D wire frame fabric map over a custom photograph of a fabric patio accessory; and a point of purchase display mockup showing how the company's products are shipped in a cardboard container that converts into their own dislplay.

EasyMap Creator Pro, Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop

Home | Mopar News | Ford Update | Guide To Detroit | Tweddle | Dykema Gossett | HoMedics/Ellia | Little Caesars | PAHA Newsletter | Padzieski Gallery | Disney Adventures | Arden | HoMedics

Site created using Dreamweaver and Adobe Photoshop
© Matt Feazell 2024