Matt Feazell Work Samples

Home | Mopar News | Ford Update | Guide To Detroit | Tweddle | Dykema Gossett | HoMedics/Ellia | Little Caesars | PAHA Newsletter | Padzieski Gallery | Disney Adventures | Arden | HoMedics

Guide To Detroit

Supervised production of a 164-page, all-color city guide magazine. Composited ads and listing text into magazine sections using Quark XPress, Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator.

Used master pages and style sheets to ensure style consistency while working with copy editors to make proofreading corrections. Assisted in production of ads as needed. Generated high-resolution PDFs and delivered to printer via FTP upload.

Quark XPress
Adobe Photoshop
Adobe Illustrator
Adobe Acrobat

A page of photos and listings from Guide to Detroit       


One-column ads I designed for this issue

Home | Mopar News | Ford Update | Guide To Detroit | Tweddle | Dykema Gossett | HoMedics/Ellia | Little Caesars | PAHA Newsletter | Padzieski Gallery | Disney Adventures | Arden | HoMedics

Site created using Dreamweaver and Adobe Photoshop
© Matt Feazell 2024